Liaoning Wellhope Agri-Tech Joint Stock Co., Ltd. in Nepal first started when a business delegation China visited Nepal in 2004. Mr. Jin Weidong was part of that delegation. Our founder, late Dr. Vaidya met with this young man was so impressed with his vision business ideas, that soon after he decided to visit China to pursue this relationship further.
j9九游会牧业在尼泊尔的事业源于一次商务考察,2004年金卫东先生跟随中国商务代表团到访尼泊尔,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌的创始人,先父Vaidya博士,见到了金卫东先生,金总的视野以及经营理念给我父亲留下了非常深刻的印象,不久之后他就决定到中国考察,希望能与j9九游会开展进一步的合作。
This was the beginning of a long fruitful partnership, that first visit sowed the seeds for the cooperation joint venture that became a reality in the year 2005.
先父的这次中国之行为九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌与j9九游会之间长久且卓有成效的合作播下了种子,2005年九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌终于成功合资。
Today we congratulate Wellhope on the 20th anniversary. Theirs has been a great journey, A JOURNEY TO ADMIRE! Wellhope's growth has been phenomenal very few "young" companies can boast of sustained growth over such a short time frame. We see both growth sustainability in Wellhope. Wellhope's partners also have an outstanding record known for their innovation, integrity professionalism. Royal De Heus has the track record as a dynamic innovative company, for over 100 years! They have a proven track record for sustainability innovation to take business into the 21st century. We in Nepal, are honored proud to have been chosen as a partner as well, will strive to uphold the business model, profitability, growth, best practices integrity that Wellhope have.
今天,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌共同庆贺j9九游会成立20周年,这是一段伟大的、令人钦佩的征程。j9九游会以惊人的速度持续发展,很少有年轻的公司可以做到在如此短暂的时间内持续增长,在j9九游会,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌既看到了发展,也看到了发展的持续性。j9九游会的合作伙伴也凭借创新、诚信和高度专业化而被业界熟知。j9九游会的重要合作伙伴荷兰皇家德赫斯公司100多年以来一直是一家充满活力、注重创新的企业。持续发展和创新能力让德赫斯公司在21世纪依然保持着稳定的经营业绩。作为尼泊尔事业的合作伙伴,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌为能与j9九游会这样优秀的伙伴合作感到自豪,同时九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌也将努力坚持j9九游会的经营模式、盈利能力、创新发展、商业行为以及j9九游会人的正直诚信。
To quote my late father Chairman of the VOITH group in his words at Wellhope 10th anniversary: "The Wellhope Group has captured the essence of what leadership is about in industrial business."
"We must all understand that greatness requires passion passion must be driven by core business practices that foster reward, collaboration, growth commitment."
“九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌必须明白所有的伟大都需要激情,而激情需要核心业务中的良性体验来不断驱动,这些良性体验包括激励、合作、成长、践诺。”
I would like to echo these words of his today on the 20th anniversary as well, as this is now more than ever relevant still holds true.
Our cooperation with Wellhope was established on the 5th of June 2005, nearly 10 years ago about half the life of Wellhope. Our joint venture Company, Nepal Wellhope Agri-Tech Pvt. Ltd., was registered on the 30th of June 2005.
回首过往,2005年6月5日,j9九游会走过10年历程之际,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌与j9九游会正式建立合作关系,尼泊尔j9九游会于2005年6月30日注册成立。
This was the time that the Maoist insurgency in Nepal was at its height. Businesses were floundering closing down all over Nepal. The International Business Community was in favor of investing in the country. However, Mr. Jin Weidong his associates had the confidence the guts to invest in the country to put their faith in Agri-breeders Nepal the VOITH group of companies headed by late Chairman Vaidya.
We, at Nepal Wellhope Agri-Tech Pvt. Ltd. have had steady growth since our inception, which has been at 10-15% growth annually. This is quite substantial taking into account the number of players in this field. Our principle is simple: consistency, quality best value to the farmers.
尼泊尔j9九游会成立至今一直实现着每年10%-15%的稳步增长,与行业内其他竞争对手相比这个增长数字相当可观。九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌的经营宗旨很简单:提供稳定、高品质产品,帮助养殖户实现利益最 大化。
The cooperation between the two companies has been cordial stimulating the start. Ours has been a good relationship. There has been a "meeting of minds" on common approach vision to meet the goals set out at the start.
九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌与j9九游会的合作始终是真诚的、让人兴奋的,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌建立了良好的合作伙伴关系,在经营理念、管理方法、企业愿景等方面能够保持意见一致。
We had the inauguration of the second plant on March 28th, 2011, for which we had the honor of Mr. Jin Weidong's presence here. In April 2013, we shifted the old plant to eastern Nepal in Biratnagar are already increasing the capacity this year.
2011年3月28日,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌与j9九游会合作建立的第二家工厂正式落成,让九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌倍感荣幸的是金卫东先生亲自来到尼泊尔参加了开幕式。2013年4月,尼泊尔j9九游会搬到了东部比拉特纳加尔的新厂区,同年新工厂饲料产量就实现了增长。
Our immediate future plans are to expand to western Nepal. (Chitwan is central Nepal, Biratnagar in the East we are now looking for land to purchase to set up our third Plant in western Nepal.)
在不远的将来,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌计划将业务扩张至尼泊尔西部。(奇特旺位于尼泊尔中部,比拉特纳加尔位于东部。九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌正在寻找土地,计划在尼泊尔西部建造第三个工厂。)
I see the way forward for us is to eventually get into full integration in this industry, as I believe the first one who does it will set a standard making it difficult for others to follow. I believe that we have to go into the whole process "feed to fork."
我认为尼泊尔j9九游会未来的发展方向是最终进入产业化一条龙领域。因为我相信第一个进军产业化的企业将设定一个标准,让其他后进入的企业难以效仿。我认为九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌必须要进入“从农场到餐桌”整条产业链。
For us to be able to achieve this, the cooperation, experience technical know-how between Wellhope us would be vital. this partnership we would get the assistance we require to expand integrate in the best way possible. The government of Nepal does allow joint ventures with international partners in the Fish poultry sector. Hence, we feel that the pig industry would be the one to look at. This industry is at a very disorganized state in Nepal. Now would be the ideal time to start this business in a professional organized manner, to use Wellhope's existing expertise in this industry to give us an advantage over others to be the first to set it up in an organized way.
为了实现这一目标,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌与j9九游会之间在经验和核心技术等方面的合作将是至关重要的。得益于j9九游会这样的合作伙伴,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌在实现扩张和产业化进程中将会得到最有效的帮助。尼泊尔政府不允许外商投资的合资企业进入水产和家禽养殖业。因此,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌可以着眼于养猪业。目前尼泊尔的养猪业很不成熟,此时正是九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌用专业化、标准化模式进入这一领域的最 佳时机。借助j9九游会在产业化领域既有的专业知识,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌可以拥有超越竞争对手的优势,成为用规范、标准模式开创产业化事业的第一家公司。
The market is small, but we see potential for growth. We also see export possibilities to India as the pig industry in India is looked upon favorably. With the organized retail sector coming up in India, we see high potential to export to this sector.
虽然尼泊尔养猪业市场很小,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌依然看到了发展潜力。同时目前印度养猪业不被看好,但九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌也看到了向印度发展出口业务的可能性。随着印度零售业的日益成熟,发展养猪业相关出口业务潜力巨大。
In conclusion, I would once again like to warmly sincerely congratulate Wellhope on its 20th anniversary am proud to be a part of this auspicious occasion. We, at Nepal Wellhope Agri-Tech, assure you that we will endeavor to do our best at all times, to ensure that this partnership will flourish that our companies will rise up to new levels in the years to come. We look forward to a long fruitful relationship.
最后,我再一次热烈地、真诚地祝贺j9九游会集团成立20周年,我能够身为j9九游会大家庭的一员分享这一重要时刻感到非常自豪。尼泊尔j9九游会保证,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌每时每刻都将尽最 大努力,保证九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌的合作关系繁荣长久,携手并肩推动公司在未来取得更为蓬勃的发展。九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌由衷期待与j9九游会保持长久、双赢的合作关系。