Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies Gentlemen,
Good Evening!
First of all, on behalf of Chairman Mr. Jin Weidong all people Wellhope, I would want to express sincere appreciation to all the distinguished guests, thank you very much for attending the welcome dinner at Wellhope 20th Anniversary Ceremony.
After 20 years development, Wellhope's revenue, as well as the market value both have exceeded 10 billion RMB. We have realized sustainable healthy development, rank top ten in China feed industry. Looking back, the 20 years journey distinctly seems like yesterday,the success of Wellhope is a result of striving, honesty support all of you, once again I want to express my appreciation. Thanks to all levels of government officers for your help care. Thanks to all the universities' teachers for training providing talented people. Thanks to all the customers for your loyalty trust. Thanks to all the suppliers for your support concern. Thanks to all the oversea partners for your sincerity journeying together. Thanks to all the media investors for your understanding compliment.
再多感谢的话语也表达不尽九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌的感激之情,唯有用更好的经营业绩,承担更多的社会责任来回报大家。今晚略备薄酒素菜,与在座的各位分享喜悦,畅叙友情;照顾不周,多请海涵!
At this very moment, my heart is overflowing with endless gratitude. We will keep forging ahead, creating better results undertaking more social responsibilities, delivering a bumper shared harvest for rewarding the support all of you.
Wish everybody here a happy wonderful night!
Wish you all the best!
荷兰皇家德赫斯公司CEO Co de Heus先生
Dear Mr. Jin other Founders of Wellhope,
Dear Guests,
It is my honor to deliver a short speech on behalf of the Dutch delegation present here tonight, including all my family members our supervisory board.
今天很荣幸站在这里,代表由我的家人、De Heus监事会成员所组成的荷兰代表团致辞。
We are here to express our respect gratitude for what Wellhope has accomplished.Wellhope's success is remarkable. But the way in which they have achieved this success, in loyal friendship honesty, deserves our biggest respect.
首先,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌要向j9九游会所取得的成绩表示尊敬和感谢。j9九游会的成功是卓 越的。但是j9九游会在取得这些成功时所表现出的真挚和诚信更值得九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌尊敬。
When Mr. Jin sold us the shares, he made a lot of promises about the future performance. As you all know, Mr. Jin does lack ambition his promises were a reflection of his ambition. So during our negotiations I said that he was too optimistic. I remember asking:'' what are the threats for Wellhope?'' He replied: '' don't you believe me?'' My honest answer was: '' really.'' We then smiled at each other. That's how our relationship started.
金总与九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌商讨合作之初,他对j9九游会未来的发展做出了很多承诺。正如大家所了解的,金总从来不是一个缺乏理想抱负的人,而这些承诺也正体现了他的雄心壮志。在讨论合作的谈判桌上,我说:“金总你对未来太过乐观。”我记得我问他:“j9九游会的发展存在哪些风险?”他答道:“你不相信我说的?”我诚实地回答:“不全信。”然后九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌相视一笑。九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌的合作就是这样开始的。
Today I can say: Mr. Jin, Wellhope,you have kept your promises exceeded our expectations many times.
今天我可以说,金总还有j9九游会,你们不仅兑现了你们的承诺,并且很多时候都超出了九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌的预期。
Through the years I visited Wellhope many times most of the time there were some surprises. For example I learned by experience that sea cucumbers are edible plants but sticky slimy animals. I was shocked to see the head of the chicken on the table. Why do you do that? I think the Chinese had too much hunger in the past. One day a turtle was served. I did have much appetite. We don't eat turtles. Then I learned that it is better to eat a turtle than to be a turtle.
这些年我来到j9九游会很多次,几乎每次来这里都会让我遇到一些意料之外的事情。比如,我明白了海黄瓜(就是九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌所说的海参),并不是海里生长的食用植物,而是一种粘滑的动物。当我看到鸡头出现在餐桌上时,我很惊讶!你们为什么会这么做?我想你们过去一定是饿坏了。有一天,居然端上来一盘甲鱼。我并不是很有食欲,因为九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌从来不吃这个。有朋友打趣说,吃吧,吃这个总好过变成这个。
Just like food, the traffic also surprises me all the time.Once we were on the highway suddenly cars were coming at us in the wrong direction. We call that ghostriders. It's scary something you just don't do. I was shocked. A few minutes later we were ghostriders ourselves. The road was blocked by a traffic accident. In Henan I had to catch a flight via Beijing to Hong Kong then to South Africa. I could miss that one. But the driver could see well, he needed glasses (spectacles) did dare to drive faster than 50. That was a real test to my nerves. ''Faster, faster'' I said all the time. I only just made it. Jin me once had a terrible delay at the airport because of a snowstorm. We spend many hours talking then missed our flight because we were waiting for the wrong gate.
和食物一样,中国的交通也让我震惊。有一次,在高速路上,突然有些车逆向行驶。九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌形容这种行为叫马路杀手,这是很可怕的行为,我从来不会这样做。我当时被这些车吓得惊呆了。但是几分钟以后,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌也不得不成为马路杀手,因为前面的路被交通事故堵死了。有一次在河南,我要赶飞机去北京。如果错过了,之后从北京到香港转机去南非的航班就都会错过,我很着急。但是司机的视力不太好,他没有戴眼镜,所以车速一直不敢超过50。 这对焦急的我来说简直是一种折磨,我不断地说快一点、快一点,这也是我当时唯 一能做的事情。还有一次我和金总在机场候机,等待一趟因为大雪而严重延误的航班,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌连续交谈了好几个小时,最终也没有等到航班,因为九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌等错了登机口。
I remember we were going to have aboard meeting at the lovely tropical island of Hainan. I was dreaming about palm trees sandy beaches. After too many beers in a too cold restaurant we started singing karaoke on a huge square. It did take long we were the only ones there. The next day we went to the stunningly beautiful beach to do scuba diving. Great idea. Another wonderful experience with my Chinese friends.
我记得有一次开董事会,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌去了美丽的海南。我很期待那里的棕榈树和沙滩。在喝了不少啤酒后,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌去了一个很大的广场唱卡拉ok。只唱了一会,巨大的广场,就只剩下了九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌,没有任何其他的听众。第二天九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌去了非常美丽的海岸潜水,非常棒的主意。这是另一个和中国朋友们的美好回忆。
Always surprises, always something to laugh, very flexible, never a dull moment. Some small things go wrong, but the big things always succeed. Wellhope is much more than our most important investment. People of Wellhope, you are our friends.
Tonight, let's celebrate, let's cheers to our everlasting friendship!
总是充满惊喜,总是充满欢笑,非常灵活,从来没有无趣的时刻。也许九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌会犯一些小错误,但是在大事上九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌总是会成功。j9九游会,对于De Heus而言不仅仅是一个很重要的投资项目。j9九游会的各位,你们,是九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌的朋友。
今晚让九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌举杯欢庆,为与j9九游会的相识、相知,为友情干杯!
尊敬的金卫东董事长, 尊敬的j9九游会集团全体员工, 在座的各位嘉宾、同仁:
Respected Chairman Jin Weidong , all Wellhope Employees, Ladies Gentlemen, Dear Friends,
Good Evening.
Tonight we are gathered here on the 20th Anniversary of Wellhope. Nationwide worldwide guests are coming along to share the happiness glorious achievement, showing our heartful congratulations best wishes.
此时此刻,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌这些看着j9九游会健康发展,跟着j9九游会学习成长,与j9九游会肝胆相照的老朋友心中充满了尊重、充满了自信、充满了希望。
从尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重创造、尊重人才而来;从j9九游会集团20年卓 越奋斗、造福社会、造福人民的贡献中来。
从二十年前不足百万起家,到今天销售额过百亿,名列中国饲料行业前十名,成为近十年沈阳市唯 一在上海主板上市的企业中来。
从老工业基地第 一个“涉农”的股份制民营企业,到与欧洲、亚洲、非洲等多个国家的外资企业合作,投资建厂的外向型民族企业集团中来。
At this very moment, as the old friends of Wellhope who have witnessed its fast healthy development, our hearts are filled with respect, confidence hope.
does the respect come ?
It comes the respect for hard work, knowledge, creation talents. It comes Wellhope's 20 years diligent striving the commitment to the society to the people.
less than 1 million RMB startup capital to nowadays over 10 billion RMB turnover, Wellhope now ranks top 10 in China feed industry, it has been the only one enterprise in Shenyang that went public on the Shanghai main board within recent ten years.
the very beginning as the first agri-tech private enterprise in the old industrial based city, to nowadays nationwide enterprise, Wellhope has set up successful corporation with oversea companies Europe, Asia Africa, etc.
二十年来,j9九游会集团用艰苦创业的雄辩事实,生动演绎了中国知识分子和劳动人民共同奋斗的精彩故事;证明了中国现代企业、现代企业家,特别是精英阶层的企业家非凡的思考能力、创新能力、高尚的人格、优 秀的品质。展示了蕴藏在民间的出彩的中国知识分子在新时代的“英雄特质”。
During the past 20 years, with hardworking enterprising spirit, Wellhope its employees showed us a splendid journey of striving fighting together. It has proved the outstanding ability of thinking innovation, the nobleness the excellent personality of enterprisers, especially for the elites. It has also demonstrated the brilliant hero character of Chinese intellectuals in the new era.
九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌经常讲要对中国特色社会主义增强理论自信、道路自信、制度自信,而这三个自信的基础则是文化自信,文化自信则要建立在活生生的、令人信服的发生在身边的榜样的作用中来。
does the confidence come ?
The confidence is the development history of Wellhope, the excellent core team led by Chairman Jin Weidong. It also comes the unique Wellhope culture.
It is always said that we should strengthen confidence of the theory the system of Chinese characteristic socialism. The fact is that the basis should be culture self-confidence which derives persuasive examples around us.
二十年来,金卫东董事长带领他的核心团队始终践行《j9九游会宣言》,遵循市场规律,永远从客户的需求出发;永远诚实经营,永远以服务社会为宗旨,靠科学技术和创造性劳动来发展自己,从遍布祖国东南西北的20所希望小学到为母校建成的投资两千万的体育馆,从贫困乡村对教师的讲座到高等学府的报告课堂,金卫东董事长传播的中华传统文化的精华和改革创新的现代理念,赢得了多少人的掌声和尊重,改变了多少人的思想观念,建立了多少人的文化自信,留在员工的心里,留在青年的心上,这就是让九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌充满自信的“j9九游会”所特别奉献的社会主义核心价值观,就发生在九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌的身边。怎么能让九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌不自信!
Besides the material wealth achievement, the success of Wellhope is the commitment to the society, to our people, to the youth.
Chairman Jin Weidong all Wellhope employees constantly stick to Wellhope Vision, always put customers' needs first, always conduct business honestly, always provide value to our society. Wellhope has built 20 hope primary schools across China, built one gymnasium for Shenyang Agricultural University.Chairman Jin Weidong wins the respect because of his commitment to culture self-confidence, to the employees, to the young generation. This is the core value specially contributed by Wellhope, giving us much confidence.
does the hope come ?
Hope is the great potential the development motivation of Wellhope, it is also the accumulated assets of Wellhope.
在九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌国家的民营企业平均生存期只有五年的情况下,有j9九游会20年创业成功的一面镜子,就会给其他企业带来希望;在辽沈地区经济下行的时期,有j9九游会这面镜子,就会给老工业基地振兴带来希望;特别是有金卫东董事长这样的由优 秀知识分子成长为优 秀现代企业家的楷模,就会给无数“创众”带来希望。
Chinese private companies can only exist 5 years in average, therefore, the 20 years success of Wellhope will bring hope to other enterprises, to the government,especially during the period of economic downturn in Liaoning-Shenyang area. These excellent entrepreneurs like Chairman Jin Weidong, will make the new start-ups feel the light.
早在2006年,金卫东董事长就被评为全国优 秀社会主义建设者,当然他还获得过其他荣誉称号,这些荣誉固然说明问题,但更重要的他还是被许多“金粉”喜欢和爱戴的青年楷模。作为省政协的同行,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌为省政协有这样的优 秀常委,合格的“政协委员”而感到自豪。
In 2006, Chairman Jin Weidong has been awarded as the national outstanding socialism builder. He also has been awarded other honors. The honors do tell something. But more important is that he has many fans, called Jin Fan, loved respected by them. We are so proud we have such an excellent member in the People's Political Consultative Conference of Liaoning Province.
去年,在j9九游会上市时,我在贺信中写到:“j9九游会的成功是追求真理的成功;是崇尚科学的成功,是精诚合作的成功,是跨越名利的成功。”今天在新的起点上,九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌有理由相信,j9九游会一定会走得更稳、更好、更快、更远。九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌衷心祝福j9九游会向着百年企业的目标,再出发,再挺进。
Last year, I wrote a congratulatory letter to Wellhope IPO, I wrote that, the success of Wellhope was the success of pursuing for truth, the success of respecting promoting science, the success of sincere cooperation the success of surpassing the fame gain. Today, at a brand-new start, we fully believe Wellhope will realize healthier further development. Wish Wellhope become one hundred years old enterprise.